
Hello, blog (mood-status: relax), writing this blog after coming home from work, finishing the exams, and submitting assignments. But anyway, on writing about this week-15. I am writing this as my "final" blog for the year 2021 for real. I decided to go on the Syllabus once again to look at the course topics. Then I choose the subject of the Patterns & anti-patterns.



Patterns are part of everyday language, but it's essential to discuss algorithms to understand their importance in software engineering. An algorithm performs a daily task like sorting a list of items, storing data for efficient retrieval, or counting occurrences of an object within a data set.

 Algorithms are among the most used fundamental concepts in software engineering. It mainly highlights proofs of its solutions and its only code samples in obscure, ancient languages such as Algol or MIX Assembly. Despite much covered: singly- and double-linked lists, trees, garbage collection, etc. The details are hiding in problematic libraries, but the concepts are the same. These algorithms have remained reasonable solutions to common software engineering problems for more than five decades and are still going strong.

A "pattern" can be a general structure of an algorithm. In algorithm focus on a specific programming task, a pattern challenges beyond that domain and areas such as reducing defect rates, increasing code maintainability or allowing large teams to work more effectively together. Some standard practices include:

  • Factories
  • Pub/Sub
  • Public-key Cryptography
  • Agile


These are four common patterns in the industry; it ranges from highly technical to broader, more process-oriented points. Factories are very code-oriented, while pub/sub is more architectural. While public-key cryptography has general importance, libraries to support its operations are available for almost every programming language in everyday use, making it generally short of implementation.

At the other end of the expanse, "Agile" remains unavailable: a point and a tool among developers, project managers, and other stakeholders about precisely what it means and how it should be implemented. From Narrow or broad, technical or process-oriented, excellent working knowledge of these patterns is an essential component in a technologist's toolbox.


What is an Anti-Pattern?

A "pattern" is a known-to-work solution to a common software engineering problem (anti-pattern). Anti-patterns do not incorporate the idea of failure to do the right thing, including options that seem right at face value but direct to trouble in the long run.

Note the reference to "a common response." Anti-patterns are not a few mistakes; they are familiar and always followed with good choices. As with regular patterns, anti-patterns can be broad or very specific, and there may be hundreds to consider in the realms of programming languages and frameworks.


  1. This information supports me in learning and understanding the topic for the CS course. The material can students expect to apply what was learned in their future practice by small subject containing many types of information.
    URL links-
    The link has Understanding of Refactoring


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