Apprenticeship Patterns Chapter 1 and Chapter 2-6 Introductions
Hello blog, how are you guys doing (I feel fine)? I got a book from my professors in the Syllabus. I read it; it is good. Even I can recommend some of my friends who are not computer science majors to these books for knowledge to develop some level of studying and more. What did you find interesting, helpful, and thought-provoking about the reading? I found it interesting and valuable that the first two chapters, 1 & 2, stated that it is crucial to have a "growth mindset" and realize that learning demands perseverance, trial, and error. It was even needing to find mentors to assist in directing the learning process while working on a personal or side project to put newly acquired information to use. Also, near the end of the introduction, the second chapter points out the final four patterns that encourage continuous learning: Exposing and confronting ignorance. Taking on an audacious task. Retreating into competence. Ascending to the next level....